Csaba Egri – He has been exploring caves since his university years, visiting many of the smaller and larger caves in Hungary. He has been part of several expeditions abroad: from Italy, Austria to France, he has explored several classic alpine caves, but he has also visited the deepest cave in the southern hemisphere, in New Zealand. In his full-time job, he works for the National Nature Conservancy, protecting caves as inanimate natural assets. In recent years, he never goes into a cave without his cameras, and takes two of them with him to show the realm of darkness through 3-dimensional photographs. He is a member of the La Salle international group of 3D cave photographers.
Sarolta Borzsák – She graduated as a geographer and hydrologist at the ELTE University. She worked for many years in Nature Conservation and later in Water Management, where she was mainly involved in surface and groundwater protection at national and international level. She has been involved in numerous projects related to caves, preparing technical material, studies, mapping, organising promotional campaigns, including those related to the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst World Heritage Sites. Since childhood, she has been exploring the depths of the earth, both at home and abroad. She is a permanent assistant for cave photo shoots, and the graphic and other post-production work.
Special thanks
We are grateful to all those who spare no time, energy or patience to help us in our work.
Without them, our pictures would not have been possible:
Egri László, Gazda Attila, Hegyi Zoltán, Ligeti Márton, Zsigmondy Szabolcs,
Dizseri Barnabás, Kiss Borbála Mária, Kovács Richárd, Papp Imre, Markó Gábor, Leél-Őssy Szabolcs, ifj. Adamkó Péter, Marozs Ágnes, Futó János, Szilaj Rezső, Rojtos Norbert, Petró Ildikó, Schaffhauser Gellért, Borzsák Veronika, Králl Péter, Kunisch Gyöngyvér, Szabó Etelka, Maucha Gergely, Kovács Márton, Magyar Péter, Földes Attila, Peter Gedei, Moica és Bole Vrviscar, Miha Staut, Philippe Crochet, Annie Guiraud, Marie és Michele Renda, Daniel Chailloux, Antonio Danielli, Dyga Tadeusz, Kosztra Barbara, Matej Krzic, Welther György, Mersdorf Anna, Horváth Sándor, Csepiová Krisztina, Piri Attila, Mészárosné Hardy Ágnes, Kocsis István, Ádám Zsuzsa, Árgay Zoltán, Csépe Zoltán, Bartha Károly, Kéki Antal, Laufer Csaba, Hegedűs András, Keresztes Andrea, Francesco Maurano, Illaria és Igor Ardetti, Riccardo Corazzi, Laurance Tanguille, Dragos Patranca, Peter és Ann Bosted, Lovász Péter, Bíró István, Farkas Andrea, Heiling Zsolt, Barkóczi Tamás, Borzsák Kamilla, Rántó András, Bartolomej Šturmann, Mikuláš Repaszký, Ján Drenko, Ferdinand Kinyik, Zoltán Drenko, Gallai Zsófia, Kurucz Zsuzsi, Szabó Zsolt, Balczó Bertalan, Takács Ádám, Csőszi Mónika, Herczegh Zoltán, Bokor Veronika, Takács András Attila, Rod Horrocks, Erin Lynch, Ellen Trautner, Keneth Ingham, Aaron Stockton, Norm és Martha Thomson, Arthur Palmer, Dan Legnini, Peter Jones, Kevin Downey
... and many more